trip list
Individual and Group Tour Day trip
Short trip
Long trip
Ar maihan (and Altanbulag Balir locates in Tub aimag 60km from city) visit Mongolian herders family
1/2 days tripAr Maikhan locates in Tov aimag 50 km far from city Ulaanbaatar. The guests visit Mongolian herders and tov aimag 70km far from city Ulaanbaatar
family. You will be dropped off at an original Mongolian nomadic herders family. The tour
include horse riding, overnight in Ger, meals , drink tea with cow and goat milk, and
yogurt. Drink AIRAG (made of horse milk), Hiking and get basic understanding of how
Mongolian families take care of their stocks.
running: from 15-th May until 15-th September
Price: 1person 70USD
2 people 65 USD p.p whole trip
3-4 people 60 USD p.p
Including: bring and pick up service, Ger stay, horse ride, Meals B,L,D.
Ar Maikhan (and Altanbulag Balir locates in Tub aimag 60km from city) visit Mongolian herders family.
day trip
After breakfast drive to herders family and visit herders family, You'll stay in ger, short time
horse riding, take lunch there. After lunch go back to UB at about 4 O'clock
price: 1person 60
2 people 45 USD p.p whole trip
3 40 USD p.p
Including: transfer, Lunch, horse ride,Ger stay
Terelj national park visit Mongolian herders family.
1/2 days trip
The national park locates 70 km far from Ulaanbaatar. The guests visit herders family and
enjoy Mongolian original nomadic herders life style. There a very beautiful nature and
Overnight in a Ger, traditional nomad dwelling. You can hiking and trekking rocky mountains
and forests. There You'll horse ride, overnight in Ger, meals, drink tea witn milk and AIRAG
make of horse milk, dry milk products,yougurt etc. Winter time can't dring Airag and yougurt.
Running 4 seasons.
1 person 75 USD p.p
2 person 65 USD p.p whole trip
3-4 person 55 USD p.p
5-6 50 USD p.p
Including: , Ger stay, horse ride, Meals B.L.D., etc All
Terelj national park
day tripAfter breakfast drive to Terelj national park, You will be able to see Ovoo, agui, turtle rock and
nomad family, short time horse ride, rest river side. Take lunch in nomad family. Go back to
UB at about 4:00 pm.
price: 1person 70 USD
2 people 65USD p.p whole trip
3 people 60 USD p.p
more than 4 people 55 USD. p.p
including: Transfer, ger stay, park fee, short time horse ride.
Khustai national park with nomads
1/2 days trip
Hustai National Park ı the main attraction here is the one and only species of wild
horse, the Takhi (Przewalskiıs Horse), which was discovered at the end of XIX century
and being reintroduced to Mongolia in Hustai. MACNE (Mongolian Association for the
Conservation of Nature and Environment) along with FRPH (Foundation Reserves of
Przewalskiıs Horses) brought a total number of 84 takhi to Mongolia during last 10
years. The number of takhi has reached more than 120
Khustai national park locates from Ulaanbaatar 125 km. There you will be able to see
Prjevalskii horses (wild horses). Drive back to Doloon khudag and overnight there in Ger and
have dinner. Horse ride after lunch back to UB at about 2:00 PM.
Day.1 after breakfast drive to Khustai national park. drive about 2 hours and arrive in Khustai
national park see wild horses.
Day. 2 drive to nomad family in Doloon khudag overnight there in Ger. Location is horse ricing
place during Naadam. Drink Airag (horse milk), yougurt and mongolian traditional
meals. horse ride and than back to UB.
In 1220 Chingis Khan decided to build the capital city of his vast Mongolian Empire atKharHorin. Building was completed by his son, Ogedei Khan, after Chingis death, but
Khar horin served as the capital for 40 years before Khubilai Khan moved it to what is
now Beijing. Following the move, and the subsequent collapse of the Mongolian
empire, KharHorin was abandoned. Whatever was left was used to help build the
glorious Erdene -Zuu monastery in the 16-Th century. Erdene Zuu (The Hundred
Treasures) was the first center of Lamaism in Mongolia.
Tour 1.
Kharhorin - Mongol sand dune and nomad
2/3 days
Day 1. Drive to the Kharhorin Monastery 330 km. Lunch in route ger restaurant. See
Erdene Zuu monastery. Our driver will prepare dinner and overnight in tent.
Day 2. After breakfast drive to the Mongol Sand dune spend about 1 hour. Continue
drive to the Mongolian nomadic herders family from Kharhorin 250 km on the way. You will be
droped off at original Mongolian nomadic herders family. There you'll spend the time horse
riding, Fishing, hunting bird,eating Mongolian food and drinks tea with cow and drying milk
yogurt . Drink Airag make of Horse milk, Hiking and get basic understanding of how
Mongolian families take care of their stocks.
Day 3. Back to UB afternoon 17 o'clock.
Tour 2
Kharhorin tour -Tovkhon -Orkhon water fall
3/4 days
Day 1. drive to the Kharhorin monastery 330 km. Lunch in route ger restourant. See
Erdene Zuu Monastery. Our driver will prepare dinner and overnight in tent.
Day 2. After breakfast drive to the Orkhon water fall about 3 hours trough Tovkhon
monastery. Overnight in tent there. There is very beautiful nature.
Day 3. after breakfast drive to the Mongol Sund Dune spend about one hour. Continue
drive to the Mongolian nomadic herders family around Lin's area overnight there. Same
sitution of Kh-1
Day 4. After lunch back to UB about 17 PM.
Tour 3
Kharhorin- Sand dune Khogno khaan mountain and Khustai national park
3/4 days trip
Day .1 drive to Kharhorin and see monastery
Day 2 after breakfast drive to the Mongol sand dune and Khogno khaan mountain.
Day 3 drive to nomad family in in Lun's area horse ride fishiong and overnight there in GER.
Day 4 after breakfast drive to Khustai national park see wild horse and then back to UB
about 14 PM.
Tour 4
Kharhorin-Shankh hiid- Nomad family
3/4dyas tripShankhiin khiid, once known as the West monastery, and Erdenezuu are the only
monasteries in the region to have survived the 1937 purge. Shankh was renowned
because of its connections with the great Zanabazar and is said to have once housed
Chinggis khaans black military banner. At one time the monastery was home to more
1500 monks. As elsewhere, the monastery was closed in 1937, temples were burnt and
many monks were shipped of to Sibiria.
Day 1 Kharhorin
Day 2 drive to Mongol sand dune trough Shankhiin khiid Overnight in a tent
Day 3 Lun nomad family horse ride, fishing, overnight in a nomad family
Day 4 UB
Tour 5Kharhorin- Ogii nuur trough Khar balgas and Kultegin monument
3/4 days trip
Khar Balgas , the ruined citadel of Khar balgas( Kara Balgasun in Turkic) is in Khotond
sum on the banks of the Orkhon gol. The city was founded in AD 751 as the capital of
the Uighur khanate, which ruled Mongolia from 745 to 854
Kultegiin monument, When Chinggis khaan desided to move his capital to Kharkhorin, he was well aware that the
region had already been the capital to successive nomad empires. About 20 km north east of Khar Balgas lies the
remainder of yet another of these pre -Mongol Empires, the Turkic khaganate ( Pre- Mongol empire). Kultegin (684-
731), the Khagan(ruler) of the ancient empire.
Day 1. Kharhorin
Day 2. Ogii nuur trough Khar balgas and Turugiin monument.
Day 3 drive to Lun Nomad family horse ride, fishing and overnight in a nonad family.
Day 4 drive back to UB arrive around 4pm
Including: Car with driver, gazoline, tour assistant, all meals in countryside meals, tent
blanket, cooking gears, Monastery and national park fee, Ger stay, Horse ride etc ALL
Excluding: Special drinks.
Omnogobi (South Gobi) ı is the largest but least populated aimag of Mongoliapopulated by the Khalkh. The aimag is also home to one-quarter of Mongoliaıs
domesticated camels. Omnogobi supports thousands of black-tailed gazelle, which
you may see darting across the open plains. The capital of this aimag Dalanzadgad has
reasonable facilities and regular transport. Gurvansaikhan Nuruu range in the centre
provides the main topographic relief in the middle of Gobi with highest altitude of 2825
Hongoryn sand dunes ı are the largest and most spectacular sand dunes of
Mongolian Gobi. Also known as Duur Mankhan (singing dunes). They are up to 800 m
high, 12 km wide and about 100 km long. The largest dunes are in the north-western
corner of the range. The dunes are about 180 km from Dalanzadgad.
Yolyn Am ı meaning ıvultureıs mouthı in English, it is a valley of Gurvansaikhan
Nuruu mountain range in the middle of Gobi and has a thick ice. Yolyn Am is located
62km north-west from Dalanzadgad. Its thick ice remains frozen all year-round. It is
sometimes rather common to spot animals like eagle, vulture, ibex and argali sheeps.
Bayanzag ı Renamed as ıFlaming cliffsı by Roy Chapman, a palenthiologist from
America, it is located in Bulgan province. Bayanzag was the very first place where
Chapman found dinosaur eggs and bones, some of which are exhibited in the museum
of Natural History in Ulaanbaatar.
Tour -1
Gobi tour
4/5 days trip
Day 1. Baga gazariin chuluu
Day 2. Moltsog sand dune
Day 3. Drive to Bayanzag (unique shaped trees), Temeen shavar (Place where
dinosours lived millions of years ago) trough Yoliin am spend at Yoliin am around 2 hours.
at Bayanzag camel ride 1 hour
Day 4. After breakfast drive to the Erdene dalai
Day 5. After breakfast drive to UB and after lunch about 5 PM come in Ulan-bator.
Tour 2.
Gobi tour
6/7 days trip by jeep or minivan
The sightseeing would be the Gobi desert, Bayanzag (unique shaped trees) ,
Temeen shavar (place where dinosaurs lived millions of years ago), Yoliin am (Big Rocks
Mountain) see muzeum and frozen river, and Khongor sand dunes.
Day 1. Start from UB 10AM drive to the Baga gazariin chuluu
Day 2. After breakfat drive to the Bayanzag and Temeen shavar. Camel ride 1 hour
Day 3 Drive to the Yoliin am
Day 4 Khongor sand dunes
Day 5 Bulgan sum overnight there in Ger short Camel and horse ride
Day 6 Erdenedalai
Day 7 Will arrive in Ulaanbaatar about 16 PM.
Tour 3.
Gobi desert , Orkhon waterfall, Khar-Khorin monastery
7/8 dyas trip by jeep or minivan
You can see in Gobi Desert, Bayanzag(unique shaped trees), Temeen shavar
(place where dinosours lived million of years ago), Moltsog sand dunes, back time from Gobi ,
Kharhorin Monastery and visit Mongolian nomad herders family. Horse riding included
Day 1. Start from UB 10 o'clock. Lunch in Morin tsohio ger restourant than drive to
the near Erdenedalai
Day 2. Drive to the Bayanzag and Temeenshavar. It's trees and Dino places. short
ride Camel.
Day 3. drive to the Khongor sand dune
Day 4. drive to the Arvaikheer Overnight near Arvaikheer
Day 5. Orkhon water fall
Day 6. Drive to Kharhorin Monastery
Day 7. drive to the Mongolian nomad herders family visit there near Lun. Fishing,
Horse ride, make horhog.
Day 8 after lunch back to UB.
Tour G-4.
Gobi tour - Khar-Horin Monastery and
9/10 days trip by jeep
10 days travelling you can see more Khongor sand dune, Orkhon water wall, Khar-
Horin Monastery, Mongol sand dune, ger stay and horse/camel ride.
Day 1. start from UB 10 O'clock lunch in Morin tsohio a ger restourant. After lunch
drive to near Erdenedalai.
Day 2. after breakfast drive to through Bayanzag and then Temeen shavar
Day 3. drive to trough Yoliin am "big rocks mountain" and then to the Khongor sand
Day 4. Khongor sand dune camel trip arouond Khongor sand dune
Day 5. drive to near Arvaikheer
Day 6. Orkhon waterfall overnight there
Day 7. after lunch drive to Kharhorin trough Tovkhon monastery
Day 8. 9. after lunch drive to the near Lun sum stay in nomadic herders Family.
You'll be droped off original Mongolian nomadic herders family. There you'll spend the time
longe horse riding, fishing, some case shot bird, eating Mongolian food and drinks tea with
cow and drying milk, yogurt. Drink airag make of horse milk. Hiking and get basic
understanding of how Mongolian families take care of their stocks.
Day 10. after lunch back to Ulaan-baatar
Gobi and Central Mongolia
Gobi - Orkhon waterfall- White lake horse trip- Tsenkher hot spring -Kharhorin
monastery and Nomad family
13/14 days trip by jeep or minivan
Day 1. start from UB 10 O'clock Baga gazariin chuluu
Day 2. after breakfast drive to through Bayanzag and then Temeen shavar Camel
Day 3. Drive to Khongor sand dune trough Yoliin am "big rocks mountain"
Day 4. Khongor sand dunes. hiking walking
Day 5. Drive to the near Arvaikheer
Day 6 drive to the Orkhon water fall
Day 7 Taikhar chuluu
Day8. Terkhiin tsagaan lake
Day 9 Horse trip around Terkhi white lake
Day 10 Continue Horse trip and then back ger
Day 11. Tsenkheriin hot spring take shower there.
Day 12 Drive to Kharhorin monastery
Day 13 Visit nomad family in Lun sum trough Mongol sand dune.
Day 14 after lunch back to UB.
Tour 6 .
Gobi tour by plane:
3/4 days trip
Day 1 Early pick up you from guest house and Bring you to the Aerport When arrive flight in
Dalanzadgad our car and guide pick you up.
Day 2, 3 with Jeep or minivan travelling to Yoliin am, Bayanzag Temeen shavar and Sand
dune during travelling time you overnight in Nomad Ger and Camel ride.
Day 4 Back to UB. Our Car pick you up and send in Our guest house.
. 4 day-tour to Yolling valley, Khongoriin els and Bayanzag.
4 day-tour to Yolling valley, Bayanzag and Moltsog sand dune.
Camel trip in Gobi Desert
9/10 days
Day 1. Drive to Baga gazariin chuluu. Overnight in a Tent
Day 2. Drive to Bayanzag and Temeen shavar. Prepare Camel trip for next day. Overnight in
a Nomad family.
Day 3-8 . Start Camel trip Yol Valley, Dungenee, Khongor sand dune, Baynzag and Temeen
Day 8. Finish Camel trip and overnight in a Nomad family
Day 9. drive to Erdene -Dalai. Overnight in a Tent
Day 10. Back to UB.
Kharhorin, Orkhon waterfall, 8 nuur (eight lake) and mongol sand dune with nomad
Day 1- Start trip 10am from Ulaan Bataar drive to Kharkorin and Erdene Zuu Hiid monastery.
Day 2- Orkhon waterfall trough Tovkhon khiid.
Day 3- Drive to Naiman Nuur (8 Lakes) ride horses? swimming? hiking? relaxing?
Day 4- Full day at Naiman Nuur (8 Lakes) ride horses? swimming? hiking? relaxing?
Day 5- Drive to Mongel Els sand dunes, climb Khogno Khan Uul,
Day 6- After breakfast drive to the UB
Kharhorin, Terkhiin tsagaan lake, Tsenkher hot spring-Orkhon waterfall, Mongol sand dune with nomad
7/8 days
Day 1-Start trip 10 O'clock from Ulaanbaatar. drive to the Kharhorin city and will see
Erdenzuu monastery.
Day2- drive to the Taikhar chuluu.
Day3 -drive to the Terkhiin tsagaan lake.
Day 4 horse trip around Terkhi white lake
Day 5- Drive to Tsenkher hot spring
Day 6- Drive to the Orkhon water fall trough Tovkhon khiid.
Day 7- Mongol sand dune. Hiking in sand dune and Khogno khan big rock mountain.
Day 8- back to UB around 5 pm.
Khar-Khorin - Orkhon water fall - Terkhiin tsagaan nuur with horse trip and nomad family.
10/11 days
Day -1 Drive to the Mongol sand dune
Day -2 After breakfast drive Kharhorin
Day -3 Orkhon water fall.
Day -4 drive to Terkhiin tsagaan nuur and overnight there.
Day -5 Start by Horse trip for 1 night 2 days during Terkhiin tsagaan nuur some interesting
places folcano, monuments, ride around lake.
Day -6 Continue horse trip.
Day -7 drive to Tesenkher hot spring trough Taikhar rock
Day-8 Drive to Ogii lake trough Khar balgas and kultugenii monument
Day -9 drive to the Lun visit mongolian herders nomad family. overnight there in Nomad Ger.
There You'll fish, berd hunting, and horse riding, swimming, Drink airag.
Day -10 continue stay at Lun's nomad family for relax, hiking walking horse ride and fishing
and make for you mongolian traditional food"Khorhog".
Day -11 After Lunch back to Ulaan-Baatar.
excluding: Extra drinks,
Khovsgol tour by plane:
Day-1 We will send you to the Airport. Airplane will arrive in Moron is capital of
Khovsgol aimag. From Moron pick you up our guide and then leave to the Khatgal
sum "on the area of Khovsgol lake". 102 km far from Moron to Khatgal. Overnight Ger
Day -2. Start around Khovsgol lake tour with horse and guide. Our guide prepare for
you food and overnight in tent.
Day -3. "4" Continue around Khovsgol lake trip visit reindeer family and back to Ger
camp overnight there.Day -4. "5" drive to Moron and back to Ulan-Bator. When arrive in Ulan Bator we'll
pick you up and bring you staying place.
North Mongolian trip
Khovsgol tour by jeep or minivan
9/10 days trip.
Day 1 start 10 AM drive to Bulgan overnight in tent.
Day 2 after breakfast drive to the Tosontsengel sum Overnight there
Day 3 drive to the Khatgal sum arrive there about 15 PM Overnight Ger camp take
shower and prepare horse trip
Day 4 Start horse trip Khovsgol lake overnight near Khovsgol lake in tent.
Day 5. Continue horse trip and visit reendeir family and back to Khovsgol lake
overnight there in tent
Day 6 continue trip and fish
Day 7 horse ride back to Ger camp overnight there in Ger camp, take shower and
take rest
Day 8 drive to Hutag ondor overnight there in tent
Day 9 drive to Amarbayasgalant khiid overnight there in tent
Day 10 after breakfast drive to Ulaanbaatar arrive about 16 PM
Khovsgol tour visit reindeer family
14/15 days trip
North and Central Mongolian trip
Amarbayasgalant-Khovsgol-tsaatan-Terkhiin tsagaan nuur -Tsenkherhot spring- Kharhorin and Nomad family.
14/15days trip
Day 1. start trip from Ub. Amarbayasgalant monastery
Day 2 drive to Khutag ondor
Day 3 drive to Khatgal "Khovsgol lake" Ger camp take shower and overnight there
Day4 start horse trip around Khovsgol lake and fishing over night tent
Day 5 continue Horse trip
Day 6 continue horse trip and back to Ger camp overnight there
Day 7drive to Shine Ider overnight in tent
Day 8 drive to Terkhiin tsagaan nuur overnight there
Day 9 Start horse trip to volcano around White lake
Day 10 Drive to Chuluut river trough Taikhar rock
Day 11Tsenkher hot spring
Day 12 Orkhon water fall trough Tovkhon khiid
Day 13 drive to Kharhorin
Day 14 drive to Lun sum visit Mongolian herders family make horhog'one kind
mongolian traditional food
Day 15 Back to UB
Classic route
South, Central and North Mongolian tripGobi-Kharhorin -Arkhangai -Khovsgol and Amarbayasgalant Khiid
19/20 days trip
Day 1 . drive to the Baga gazariin chuluu
Day 2. Drive to Bayanzag and Temeen shavar overnight there in tent trough sum khoh burd
Day 3. drive to the Yoliin am
Day 4 after breakfast drive to the Khongor sund dune and overnight there in Nomad Ger
Camel ride
Day 5 Khongor sand dune
Day 6 drive to the Ongi monastery
Day 7 Drive Orkhon water fall trough Tovkhon khiid overnight there in tent fish
Day 8 after lunch drive to Kharhorin see Monastery overnight there in Tent near River side
Day 9 Tsenkher hot spring
Day 10 drive to the Terkhiin tsagaan nuur Overnight in Ger and prepare for horse trip
Day 11 start horse trip
Day 12 continue horse trip and back to Terkhiin tsagaan nuur
Day 13 drive to the Near Moron overnight the in tent
Day 14 Drive to Khatgal sum overnight in Ger Camp prepare for horse trip
Day 15 start horse trip by Khovsgol lake
Day 16 Continue horse trip and visit reendeir family
Day 17 Continue horse trip and back to Ger camp take shower and take rest overnight in Ger
Day 18drive to Khutag Ondor overnight there in tent
Day 19 drive to Amarbayasgalant khiid see monastery
Day 20 drive to UB and about 16 PM arrive in UB.
16 PM
For all information related to consular matters, please contact in person by telephone or e-mail the nearest diplomatic or consular mission of Mongolia.
The following materials are required to obtain Mongolian visa:
* Valid passport
* One passport sized photo
* Application form (External link: Visa Application Form / Tourist Visa Application Form)
* Either an invitation of the receiving entity (state, government, non-governmental organization, business entity) or an official request of the sending country and the organization.
- or, for tourists wishing to stay over 30 days up to 90 days, a letter of invitation from a travel agency of Mongolia
- or, if you are traveling on a personal invitation of a citizen of Mongolia, an invitation approved by the Office of Immigration, Naturalization and Foreign Citizens of Mongolia, and applicant's written statement concerning his/her financial credibility to cover his/her stay in Mongolia.
- or, for those passing Mongolia in transit, onward ticket and visa for next destination are required.
Fees and charges for Mongolian visa:
* Single entry/exit visa - US$25; for urgent service (within a working day) US$50; this kind of visa is valid for three months from the date of issuing.
* Multiple entry/exit visa valid for six months - US$65; for urgent service (within a working day) US$130,
* Multiple entry/exit visa valid for one year - US$130; for urgent service (within a working day) US$ 260
* Visa extension valid for one week - US$15; for urgent service (within a working day) US$30; US$2 per a day exceeding a week.
List of countries and regions with non-visa regime for all types of passport holders:
* Hong Kong - 14 days for all type of passports. There is no visa fee for diplomatic and official passports. Ordinary passport holders pay visa fee if they travel for more than 14 days.
* Israel - 30 days for all type of passports
* Kazakhstan - 90 days for all type of passports
* Malaysia - 1 month for all type of passports
* Philippines - 21 days for all type of passports
* Singapore - 14 days for all type of passports
List of countries without visa fee:
* India - All type of passports need a visa, no visa applications, photos and fees required
* USA - no visa for all type of passport holders, including A, H, J visas within 90 days. Visit more than 90 days need visa, service charge - $45, no visa fee required